By supporting BBDC, a 501c3 organization, you become part of our team to bring change to our communities through affordable housing programs and initiatives to positively impact the livelihoods families and students throughout the DMV. Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Make an online donation through PayPal.
Shop Amazon Smile.
Amazon is the leading online store and next delivery service in America. When you shop Amazon Smile, 0.5% of your purchase is donated to the 501c3 registered organization of your choice. Every time you shop, shop Amazon Smile. Just type in Benjamin Banneker Development Corporation, click select, and every time you shop on Amazon Smile, you will be contributing to BBDC! Easy.
Donate by mail. Please send your tax-deductible donation by check to:
Benjamin Banneker Development Corporation
9701 Apollo Drive Suite #410
Largo, MD 20774